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Chat 360
Chat 360

that truly connects

Turn every message into an opportunity to connect with your customers through CRM-integrated communication.

Digital Retail

Omnichannel Communication

Keep your customers informed and engaged

Digital Retail

Unify customer communications

Enable customers to reach out through their preferred channels like phone, email, web chat, social media, or mobile apps for an omnichannel experience.

Digital Retail

Send real-time alerts

Make your customer communication more responsive with real-time notifications for appointments, promotions, and order updates.

Chat Bot

Offer a conversational bot to book test drives and services

Digital Retail

Schedule services directly from chat

Customers can easily choose service type and time by chatting with a bot, making scheduling simple and convenient.

Digital Retail

Personalize chat interactions

Offer tailored chat responses adapted to customer preferences and past interactions.


Equipping your agents for effective live chat interactions

Digital Retail

Quick response with reply templates

Provide your support agents with ready-to-use answers for immediate replies and speed up interactions.

Digital Retail

Create activities directly from chat window

Allow agents to create and manage tasks while chatting with customers and reduce response times.

Internal Communication

Enhance team productivity with Smart Chat Groups and bot

Digital Retail

Smart chat groups for specific tasks

Your team can create dedicated chat groups for each customer interactions like enquiries and service bookings. Bring together relevant discussions and actions to improve team efficiency.

Digital Retail

ChatBot assistance for your team

Employees can chat with the bot to create new tasks and obtain real-time information.

Digital Retail

Effortless sales, just a chat away

Get started with Oorjit for a seamless communication experience.

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